The “A. Bonvincini” Fruit Farming Museum

The Museo della Frutticoltura A.Bonvicini is located in Massa Lombarda, a town near Ravenna which, up until the
second half of the last century, was strongly associated with fruit farming. The exhibition, hosted in a farmhouse conserving its original agricultural lay- out, highlights the very first fruit tree production in the region. The stables house a rural culture museum and,
on the upper level, visitors can trace back the history of fruit growing in Massa Lombarda. The museum tour showcases both objects and evocative vintage portraits of labourers, all of which bear witness to crucial historical transformations. Among the various reflections on the past is a reference to the ‘Cattedra ambulante di Agricoltura di Ravenna’, an important institution of agricultural education, especially aimed at small farmers, with the support of the latest instances of intellectual circles and the world of teaching, founded in 1898, which represented a real point of reference for the entrepreneurs.